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Best Reasons To Consume Spirulina Everyday

Spirulina was discovered in South American and Africa in natural alkaline lakes. This spiral shaped algae is a rich food source .It is a type of blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) and  is one of the most primitive forms of life on the planet.This algae is known for its extraordinary...
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  "For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth".Sanskrit Proverb Our physical health, mental balance and emotional stability are all affected in the manner that we breathe. When we breathe well our respiratory system works its best, by using full capacity of the...
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The Amazing Benefits of Lavander

Did You Know? - Anti-Inflammatory, Antifungal, Antidepressant, Antiseptic, Antibacterial , Antimicrobial ,Antispasmodic, Analgesic,Detoxifying, Hypotensive & Sedative properties. -Lavender tea is a traditional home remedy for insomnia and relieves the tension caused by stress. -also reduces...
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"Breaking the Sugar Habit"-Gandhi’s Tales

You don’t have to throw away everything that is sweet! Natural sugar, like the kind you find in whole fruit, contains vitamins, minerals and fiber, which are lost in the processing of juice.So unlike soda, fruit juices and other processed foods, whole fruits provide us with essential vitamins and...
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Amazing Health Benefits of Basil

Stress is connected to many aspects of both physical and mental health. Negative thinking can affect the health of the digestive, immune and nervous systems.Basil, especially, is an effective way to prevent and combat the damaging effects of everyday stressors.
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