In this article I decided to write about Mantra, because I use this method for a few years and it helped me.
Every thought or feeling that we have is on a vibratory frequency. It is a sound vibration beyond the cognition of the mind.
Sound actually creates, organizes and forms all the basic...
15/05/2015 12:56
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#yoga #yogainspiration #inspiration #storyinspirational #anandayogafr#behappy #happiness
12/05/2015 16:11
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Most of the women face menstrual problems at least once in a life time - the pain , the cramps and the discomfort. Yoga Practice can be useful to help alleviate any period pain or back pain, balance the emotions :mood swings,anxiety,anger,depression,irritability and gentle open the pelvic...
09/05/2015 16:28
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Everybody can practice this asana!Vajrasana pose it’s an easy posture and is considered as best sitting posture for practicing Pranayama (breathing exercises) and Meditation.
Normally, asanas should be performed on an empty stomach. But, Vajrasana is one of the few exceptions. This asana can...
02/05/2015 12:27
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If you are a busy person ,you don’t have time to do yoga postures every day and if you're looking for a yoga exercise, but simply and to reap the benefits very quickly, Sun Salutation it’s a very good example. Surya Namaskara (from Sanskrit – Sun Salutation) is a sequence of 12 moves (on left...
27/04/2015 17:04
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“Hatha yoga does not mean twisting your body, standing on your head, or holding your breath.”
The Sanskrit word ha means "sun" and tha means "moon," and thus hatha, or literally sun-moon yoga,strives to balance opposing parts of the physical body the front and back,left and...
24/04/2015 12:44
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If you are a busy person and you don’t have time to meditate.Try this !5 minutes of meditation actually can bring quick stress relief .
You don’t know how to meditate? The simplest method is to focus on your breathing (inspiration, expiration). Slowly breathe in through your...
21/04/2015 13:37
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L‘homme en naissant apporte deux tendances avec lui, dans ce monde - l’une vidyâ (connaissance), qui le pousse A chercher le chemin de sa libération, l’autre avidyâ(l'ignorance), qui l’entraîne vers la vie terrestre et vers l’esclavage. A sa naissance, ces deux tendances sont en équilibre...
15/04/2015 12:28
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-améliore ou élimine le stress et les tensions physiques et psychiques;
- renforce le système immunitaire;
- augumente les capacités de mémoire des personnes, de concentration et la capacité de l'intellect;
- améliore nos raports sociaux, notre manière de communiquer avec les...
14/04/2015 20:41
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