l'inspiration & la motivation

EGOTISM IS RUINOUS(Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna)

  Sri  Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (February 18,1836 - August 16,1886 ),he chose to speak in a simple language using parables and metaphors by way of illustration, drawn from the observation of nature and ordinary things of daily use.   Sri Ramakrishna Parmahamsa...
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3 Wishes

Because is Tuesday is Yoga Inspirational Tales! "3 Wishes" (by Unknown)Enjoy It !" ...It's your lucky day. You have three wishes." The woman wished for love, strength, and happiness....Yoga made a spark light up inside her and made her feel...
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L'enseignement de Ramakrishna/Teachings of Ramakrishna

  L‘homme en naissant apporte deux tendances avec lui, dans ce monde - l’une vidyâ (connaissance), qui le pousse A chercher le chemin de sa libération, l’autre avidyâ(l'ignorance), qui l’entraîne vers la vie terrestre et vers l’esclavage. A sa naissance, ces deux tendances sont en équilibre...
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