About The Past And Acceptance…
Building a better future,now in the present,we must to look in the past and see what exactly have done with all experiences. After that we can analyze them and find different ways to make the future much better, learning from the past.
In everything we do the acceptance is essential, we have to accept what happened in our past! Choose to accept your emotional or physical pain, your difficult relationships,your pasts. Acceptance is needed to be able to go further! Acceptance is the first and necessary step to enter a place of happiness.
Let's be thankful for those events happened and we understood IT’S TiME for CHANGE something in our lives. Without the past, there is no future!
Every time you practice acceptance something good it happens, you create and strengthen neural pathways in your brain, facilitating ease in the future. Accept your emotions, accept your behavior one day when you might change it in the future, you can accept your body, accept others’ ideas and beliefs.
By choosing acceptance, you remind yourself that what’s happening in your life is not good or bad, fair or unfair. It just is.