Best Reasons To Consume Spirulina Everyday
Spirulina was discovered in South American and Africa in natural alkaline lakes. This spiral shaped algae is a rich food source .It is a type of blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) and is one of the most primitive forms of life on the planet.This algae is known for its extraordinary survival adaptation. Since the 1970's, Spirulina has been well known and widely used as a dietary supplement in some countries. Spirulina is considered a superfood due to its unique level of nutrient density.
This is an incredible “super food”containing a rich supply of many important nutrients,including :
-Protein(50-70%) which is essential for growth and cell regeneration;
-Complex Carbohydrates- provide the body with energy immediately. help aid digestion and assist in regularity, aid in mental focus and a healthy mood, help your body produce a number of enzymatic reactions and bring balance in just about every way possible;
- Calcium(3%)- is the chemical compound found in the body responsible for building and maintaining healthy bones. Has 26 TIMES more calcium than a glass of milk;
-Potassium(11%),Copper(85%),Magnesium(14%),Manganese(27%) Phosphorus(3%),Selenium(3%), Sodium(12%), Zinc(4%) and Iron(44%)(beneficial to those with anemia or pregnancy, with reduced risk of constipation).These nutrients help fight free radicals, cell-damaging molecules absorbed by the body through pollution, poor diet, injury, or stress. By removing free radicals, the nutrients help the immune system fight cancer and cellular degeneration;
-Vitamins A,K,E,C,D and the B Vitamins - keeping the nervous system,skin, eyes healthy,helping to form haemoglobin,essential for healthy nerves and tissue;
-You can get more calcium and b12 from smaller doses of spirulina then with drinking milk
-A high supply of Carotenoids such as Beta-Carotene and Yellow Xanthophylls which have antioxidant properties. Beta carotene is good for eyes health ,vision and it has 10 times more concentrated than carrots..;
-Chlorophyll (green color),phycocyanins & anthocyanins (blue color) which blend to give them the characteristic blue-green color. Chlorophyll has the power to purify the blood, alkalize the body, increase oxygen levels, cleanse and detoxify, extract toxins from the liver and be anti-Inflammatory.Phycocyanin is an active ingredient and is another antioxidant that fights free radicals and inhibits inflammation in the body;
-Omega 3,6 fatty acids -in brain function (Attention Disorders,Depresive Disorders) and may help you fight against cardiovascular disease,and Blood pressure regulation, Skin Disorders.This fatty acid plays a role in promoting Heart Health by supporting healthy, balanced cholesterol levels, improving immune function and helps to improve the digestive system;
-Rich in gamma-linolenic acid(GLA), a compound found in breast milk that helps develop healthier babies. Spirulina has been proven to fight malnutrition in impoverished communities by helping the body absorb nutrients when it has lost its ability to absorb normal forms of food;
-Best source of the anti-oxidant powerhouse superoxide dismutase (SOD- one of the most tissue damaging substances within the body, designed to destroy the superoxide radical and protect against any subsequent tissue damage). Leads to accelerated aging and tissue degeneration,improving aging spots,eczema, acne, & rashes;
Stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria in your digestive tract to promote healthy digestion and proper bowel function. It acts as a natural cleanser by eliminating mercury and other deadly toxins commonly ingested by the body.
When choosing Spirulina, make sure to choose one that is organic, as others can be contaminated or have nitrate compounds as additives.
Spirulina is now commercially available in tablet or powder form . I like powder form and I add to my veggie smoothies ,or in my grapefruit fresh juice,everyday.You can also mix into water, soup, tea, salads…you choose how!!