"For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth".Sanskrit Proverb

Our physical health, mental balance and emotional stability are all affected in the manner that we breathe. When we breathe well our respiratory system works its best, by using full capacity of the lungs.

There is a remarkable improvement in digestive, circulation and eliminative process.The incrased movement of the diaphragm during deep breathing massage the abdominal organs(the stomach,lthe iver,the pancreas,the bowels),the heart. This results a better flow of blood to the organs,better digestion,better bowel movement,detoxification thorough the liver.

Tone the nervous system and this improves the health of whole body.The brain requires more oxygen ,than the rest of body, all endocrine system,glands get rejuvenated.Better oxygenation of the brain reduces oxidative stress symptoms,improves your perception,increases mental strength.

Breathing more slowly, deeply and taking longer breaths can reduce your stress and enhances our physical,emotional and mental health.People who breathe quickly or rapidly often overeat.

Learning to breathe deeply will increase your oxygen supply, which, in turn, will helps in living a long and healthy life.
